Szymon Greś
Postdoctoral researcher |Aalborg University
I am currently a postdoctoral researcher at Automation and Control Section, Electronic Systems Department, Aalborg University, Denmark.
My research is situated in data-driven learning of dynamic systems, bringing together the statistical aspects of modern data science, control and fault diagnosis with engineering specifics related to first-principle modelling and different sensing technologies. I investigate how to make dynamic systems resilient against faults and degradation phenomena, tackling uncertainty while doing so. My work is applied to problems in wind energy, with the goal of optimizing the hidden cost of the CO2 output and improving the longevity of wind farms during their design-life and beyond.
My current project concerns fusing physics into data-driven model learning of a new type of wind turbine bearing for the purpose of its lifetime prognosis and assessment.
Recent News
December 2024: The collaboration with Martin Ulriksen from MPE-AU on the development of a closed loop fault isolation approach is bearing fruit and will soon appear in Journal of Vibration and Control!
October 2024: I am super happy to share that I am joining Rafał Wiśniewski and his team at Automation and Control Section at Aalborg University. Exciting times ahead!
July 2024: Paper alert! The fruit of the joint collaboration between ETHZ and Inria on estimation of noise covariance for Kalman filtering has been published at Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing journal. See it here!
More News
December 2023: Our papers on input-state estimation under model errors and automated statistical clustering of modal estimates have been accepted to EWSHM24 and IOMAC24. See you there!
July 2023: Baby alert! My daughter Carla is born. She is simply lovely.
June 2023: A joint work with Michael Döhler on the choice of model order in uncertainty propagation has been published at EVACES23; see it here!
May 2023: After a tremendous year at ETHZ, I am coming back to Aarhus University in Denmark. What a great experience it was!
April 2023: A recent work on low-rank approximation of Hankel matrices based on statistical analysis of the eigenvalue condition numbers has finally been accepted to the Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing journal. Check out the published article here!
March 2023: Our paper on estimating small parametric errors with Kalman filter has been accepted to IFAC23 World Congress. Check out the preprint of this work here!
July 2022: A joint work with the SMM team on denoising in statistical damage diagnosis has been presented at IOMAC22 in Vancouver! See the paper here.
March 2022: After some months at Aarhus University I am joining the Chair of SMM division at ETH-Zürich (see here). I am looking forward to the next year at ETHZ!
February 2022: My collaboration with DTU Wind has resulted in a paper Uncertainty quantification of modal parameter estimates obtained from subspace identification: an experimental validation on a laboratory test of a large-scale wind turbine blade published in the Engineering Structures journal.
October 2021: Our paper Uncertainty quantification of input matrices and transfer function in input/output subspace system identification has been accepted to the Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing journal.
July 2021: My postdoc project Fault quantification in operating wind turbines has received funding from the Independent Research Fund Denmark (DFF). In the next 2 years I will work on the system identification and the damage diagnosis of wind turbines with the Chair of SMM division at ETH-Zürich and the Computational Methods team at Aarhus University. See more about it here.
April 2021: Our paper Subspace-based Mahalanobis damage detection robust to changes in excitation covariance has been accepted to the Structural Control and Health Monitoring journal.
March 2021: Our paper Statistical model-based optimization for damage extent quantification has been accepted to the Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing journal.
January 2021: Together with Laurent Mevel and Michael Döhler we've submitted a paper titled Statistical optimization for subspace-based damage quantification to the SHMII-10 conference.
December 2020: Our paper titled Hankel matrix-based Mahalanobis distance for fault detection robust towards changes in process noise covariance has been accepted to the IFAC SYSID21 conference.
November 2020: Our papers Uncertainty quantification of the Modal Assurance Criterion in Operational Modal Analysis and Uncertainty quantification for the Modal Phase Collinearity of complex mode shapes have been accepted to the Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing journal.
October 2020: I gave an online seminar on Uncertainty Quantification in Operational Modal Analysis - Theory and Applications, organized by Structural Vibration Solutions A/S.
July 2020: Our paper Variance computation for system matrices and transfer function from input/output subspace system identification has been accepted in the IFAC World Congress 2020 conference journal.
May 2020: Our paper Kalman filter-based Subspace Identification for Operational Modal Analysis under Unmeasured Periodic Excitation has been accepted to the Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing journal.
November 2019: I've defended my PhD thesis titled Vibration-based monitoring of structures: algorithms for fault detection and uncertainty quantification of modal indicators. Its electronic copy can be found here.